You are more than welcome to join our Facebook group PET PEOPLE at!/group.php?gid=340106081693&ref=ts
We have a really fun, inspiring and informative time!

Monday, August 18, 2008

OFFLINE for a while!

After no little practice using affirmations like I share here, I get to send my computer off again this afternoon, August 18, for up to another two weeks!! So just know that I'll be missing the daily reminders and other postings. Hopefully it will be a 'piece of cake' to resume...

“Pain is unavoidable. Agony is unnecessary.”

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Judy's Art Sharing!

Art of the Month Newsletter

August 2008 Vol. 4, Edition 39

My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can.
That's almost $21.00 in dog
money. Joe Weinstein


Thanks once again for your continued interest in my artistic gifts and passion for animals, travel and nature

(it’s a pleasure sharing photographs, drawings, egg carvings, urns and more)!

I finally got my first two DVDs of family members preserved shared with my daughter Robyn for her August birthday—lots more to go, including my past artwork.

For some reason this little guy that I drew for a co-worker of Robyn’s way back in 1989 kept coming to mind, so he must be what you’d like to see this time!

Remember for a time you can also see it on the website home page, too.

Please feel free to pass my blog and website info on to others like yourself who enjoy my creations.

As always, if you would like your Judith K. Nelson artwork spotlighted, please let me know and I will do a “special edition newsletter” just for you!

If you ever have any questions or might want to ‘brainstorm’, let me know.

Artist Extraordinaire

Judith K. Nelson, aka “Judy”

If would like to get a copy of this Newsletter emailed to you in the future,

please let me know so I can put you on the mailing list! Thanks!

Then if you change your email address, please let me know so I can keep you on my list!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

$$ Deposit for today!

Cool greetings!

Beware of holding too much good in your hands. Emerson

From: The Universal Bank of Infinite Abundance (UBIA)

Officially approved by the CEO of the Universe

Adminstrator: Angel of Abundance

August 2, 2008

Deposit into YOUR account: $110,000 One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars

From the June issue of Science of Mind I’ve adapted the words of Herracia Brewer.


Very recently, Rev. Brewer tells us, her mother shared some vegetables from her garden, saying, “The more you share, the more the plants will bear.” It dawned on the writer that this is the truth about every aspect of life. The more we share, the more the universe will provide for us in personal, spiritual, financial, professional and loving matters.

John D. Rockefeller best illustrated this in our modern society. His total tithes for the year of 1855 were nine dollars and fifty cents. By 1934 his total tithes had grown to five hundred thirty-one million dollars. He often commented, “God gave me my wealth.” Yes, he did, and Rockefeller practiced the law of circulation giving it back in tithes and offerings.

Emerson reminds us to beware of holding too much good in our hands. He is cautioning us because holding too much good will cause stagnation. The corresponding law of circulation will return that which we have given, running over.


I obey the law of circulation!

I trust the universe to supply my every need!

I share my resources with others, knowing the law of circulation is in total and complete operation for all who participate in it!!

Let’s every penny of our $110,000 so there is no stagnation in our lives!