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Monday, May 5, 2008

$$ Deposit for today!


Our goal should not be to make more money or acquire things, but to achieve the consciousness through which substance will flow forth when and as you need it. Eric Butterworth

From: The Universal Bank of Infinite Abundance (UBIA)

Officially approved by the CEO of the Universe

Administrator: Angel of Abundance

May 5, 2008

Deposit into YOUR account: $102,000 One Hundred Two Thousand Dollars

Another one by Ron Fox adapted from the “Science of Mind Magazine”—August 2006.

Spiritual Investment

I once read that in the universe nothing is given away. What we send out always returns. The law of circulation teaches what goes around comes around. When we refuse to give we refuse to receive.

There is a fable about a town whose wealthy men agree to throw a huge party. They pay for everything and agree that each of them will supply several barrels of wine. One of the men decides that no one will know if he dilutes his wine with water. At the appointed hour for the toast, everyone takes a sip of wine and realizes that all the wealthy men had the same idea. The moral of the story is to taste the wine we must give the wine.

Giving is an attitude. We live not to acquire but to unfold and develop. Giving helps us develop a greater awareness of spirit. This is true whether we are giving our love, our time, our talent, or our treasure. When we give, we become instruments of God.

In what area of our lives can we increase our giving?

Let’s commit to doing it.

It will return to us in kind.


In this moment my good comes to me, enough and to spare, to give and to share.” Ernest Holmes

”My good can never be depleted, because the source of my good is inexhaustible.” Ernest Holmes

” I give with an open heart and my good is abundantly and lovingly returned!”

I remember the law of circulation and practice it!”

Today I spend my entire $102,000 maintaining the divine flow!

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