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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monday & Tuesday with Mom!

11/16/09 Today seemed like a 'crisis day' for Mom. She was able to get me outside, fed and back to bed before she had to leave. We both did get our walks later in the day, since she wasn't able to work at her computer because she had taken it to the 'computer doctor'. It was an amazingly 'perfect' fall day again. No worries the rest of the day and maybe just a bit more attention from Mom since the computer was missing.
11/17/09 What wild and crazy days! Mom had to go get her computer this morning. Then she left me outside way too long and even though it is fall the Arizona sunshine is a bit too warm to be out in it too long--at least for me.
I think something is wrong at my friend Susan's house across the street. Mom is going over there a couple of times a day. I have a sad feeling it might be because of Nikki, Susan's little white dog. If that's the case, Mom is caring for Susan's birds which I know she isn't comfortable with. But Susan cares for me when Mom has to be gone very long so it's 'the neighborly thing to do'. Even though Nikki seems a bit obnoxious to me at my age, and she pees with excitement every time she sees us, she's just a youngster and I sure hope she gets better soon. Now that the computer wildness has settled down again this extra responsibility won't feel quite so daunting to Mom.
At least we are having very good nights sleeping which I'm sure helps.

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