Another sunshiney day, so both Mom and I got our walks. I was so ready by the time Mom got off the phone to Susan. Seems Nikki may get to come home today--whew! Our humans sure do wrap their lives around us. The walk was awesome--I felt as if I could go forever. Of course I knew food was waiting at home, too. The shade was almost too cool while the sun warmed me just right.
Supper was yummy.
Mom provided a warmed bed for me. I remember that she did that a few winters for Katie & me and I sure do like it. Makes the bed a bit less soft (heating pad beneath me), but the snuggly warmth is worth it. Last year she used an electric blanket, but this year I think she's afraid I might do my business on it, so a heating pad would be better. Well, guess what! it was a bit too warm. Winter isn't quite here yet. I was able to sleep more comfortably when she turned it back off leaving my coat and blanket on me instead.
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