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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday with Mom!

10/23/09 I was so happy that Mom got up early enough to get her walk and then enjoy a couple of hours out with a friend. It was a quiet day and I didn't even miss her while she was gone. Later she left again and came home with lots of cans--pretty sure food for me.
It was a really good night until about 4:30 in the morning when I just couldn't contain myself. Mom jumped out of bed immediately when she heard my commotion, but not soon enough. When she picked me up, in the dim light at first she thought water was streaming out of my mouth but with both relief that it wasn't something worse, and then dismay she discovered it was coming from the other end. Well that realization took enough time that I'd not only wet the bed but sprayed all around it and down Mom's front. Oh well, went right back to sleep in my kitchen bed while Mom had to figure out where to start to begin cleaning up the mess.
Think she may go out again today...

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