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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday with Mom!

Another 'costume' for you--hope I'm getting you in the mood for Halloween (and maybe Christmas, too...)!
10/19/09 Well, I really blew my perfect record today! After Mom's thinking erroneously that I needed to go out in the middle of the night, she put me outside this a.m. and I still wasn't moved to go. Therefore when she brought me in I did a puddle on the floor--at least I missed any of the rugs...
Good thing Mom got her walk early, before the wind began blowing because her head seemed to be affected all the rest of the day. She let me stay outside longer than usual instead of my walk. Good thing I don't seem to have the same kind of allergies.
At bedtime the "jack-in-the-box" label would have been appropriate. It seems to be becoming a habit for me to not want to stay in my bedroom bed at bedtime. Poor Mom does everything she can think of to help me want to go to sleep so she gets pretty frustrated when nothing works, since she's ready for 'light's out'. I think it might have something to do with being confined after having my freedom in the kitchen all day long. Picking up on that, Mom put me back in my bed off the kitchen. Then either I get the message and want to go to bed in 'our' bedroom or I've gone so soundly to sleep that she can carry me to bed for what usually turns out to be a good all night sleep.

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