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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday with Mom!

9/8/09 Mom finally got her walk before I knew she was gone. And back in time for no accidents--proud again. After a phone call, Mom's energy changed--an excitement. But she worked in a walk for me anyway...always thinking of me. After she left and brought back lots of cans of dog food for me, I realized a trip must be coming up.

Watching her put things in piles and move them around seems to 'rock my boat'. I'm not sure how I feel about my routine changing. So I wasn't hungry all day which still gives Mom concern when I do that. But once again I finally 'dug in'.

About the only place I get to go these days, except to the groomer (but that's a very short trip) is to Sugar's house. Boy that will upset my quiet, solitary life. Sugar is so big and has a red swishy tail that gets in my face. I'll have to think more about this since I really want to be good for Mom. I guess if Sugar continues to walk around the edge of the room to avoid me, I probably can stand to live with her for a while. She's SO full of energy, she bounces and runs around like a kid and thinks I'm going to be interested--NOT! A little sniffing is tolerable by both of us once in a while, however.

I guess I'd better start eating my food instead of holding out for my bedtime tummy and my thoughts of Sugar's enthusiasm made me restless most of the night.


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