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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday with Mom!

9/15/09 Mom walked Sugar a bit late, only one sort of 'skirmish' when a dog was out. But Sugaar says Mom handled it well. Later Mom went out briefly but I had already had my 'grass time', eaten and been tucked in again.
Another slow day--I may be really spoiled when we get back home.
After dinner when I needed to go out after dark, Mom ran inside for just a few minutes after she put me out. Doing my little circle dances, I danced right into the round hole in which a rosebush was planted! It was pretty scary that the stickers seemed to grab me tighter the more I tried to get out. So I just relaxed knowing Mom would soon rescue me again. Well, it took a bit longer since she never could find the flashlight--and since I'm black like the night she had a difficult time locating me. This all scared her as much as the water episode last night!
If I didn't know better I'd tend to think I'm dreaming up ways to exhaust myself so I can sleep well for both Mom and me...

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