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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday with Mom!

9/9/09 Upsetting morning--hungry and still didn't eat. Wanted to go for my walk instead but Mom kept too busy packing. We took off in good time with me tucked in beside Mom. I'm so happy I can go to sleep and not worry about the strange travel sounds anymore. Mom noticed me running in my sleep, however, on the 3 hour drive. I was dreaming of running with Sugar--if only I could...

Just as soon as we arrived at Sugar's house, Robyn made sure I know how much she appreciates my agreeing to do this with Mom. Not only will Sugar be much happier than coming to my house which would be a big adjustment for all of us. But also "Auntie Robyn" & "Uncle Jim" won't have to drive an additional 3 hours one way to come get Sugar when they return from their trip. I imagine they will be ready for their own beds just as I would be. And I get my own the whole time. In fact Mom figured out how to keep me from having accidents on the carpeting--she put two of my beds together so I can't get out. While that gives me more space to move around I'm still deciding if I like it or not. She keeps coming up with ideas already that might help make our stay easier, like putting a plastic back behind where I eat so my messy mouth doesn't make the wall icky.

I felt nervously active in the evening. While we all watched the big moving picture, Mom put me in a crate so I didn't wander and get stuck behind/in strange places, which was okay for a while. But then I wanted to wander around outside longer than Mom wanted me to. After the last time she had to take me out I sorta passed out though and slept really well. By the way, Sugar was a perfect host—so far…

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