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Monday, September 14, 2009

Week end with Mom!

9/12/09 Yet again Mom took Sugar for a walk before I was ready to open my eyes. Sugar communicated that there were only a handful of rabbits out that early and only a few dogs to make it more exciting. Therefore, she said not to hurry--SO I just overslept again. My ear was bothering me today, so Mom cleaned it out for me again--this time what a chore! Took some effort on both our parts, but feels great now! I also stepped in my water bowl twice before I just had to settle in for my morning nap once more. I did notice Mom talking loudly to the box on her table in our bedroom--think it wasn't cooperating very well with her.

Wandering in our temporary bedroom like I've been doing, I found myself under the bed so far yesterday that Mom could hardly rescue me. I don't want to do that anymore since it scrapes my bony backbone... SO Mom came up with another brilliant idea. She stuffed pillows around the edge, covering them with plastic bags so my usually messy mouth won't dirty them--again, isn't she just creative?

9/13/09 Wow, it's really refreshing to watch Mom truly relax. Although there is plenty to be done here, she somehow seems to be able do those chores with less intensity. What I like best is she seems to have more time to pet, play with and talk to Sugar and me. Then I had a terrible time wanting to go to bed (maybe too spoiled from the extra attention[?])--or maybe from not enough exercise during the day. It got so bad the only thing Mom could think of doing when I immediately relaxed in her arms was to put me in bed with her. I settled in instantly, feeling her heartbeat and breathing right next to me. Of course a few hours later it was okay for her to put me back in my own bed.

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